About Us

Meet our Founder



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It took me 5 years working full-time as a small animal veterinarian and a full-time Mom to complete my ABVP credentials and pass the Canine Feline Specialty Exam. I didn't pass the exam the first time..... and had to double down on my studies.

I created a large volume of notes and that became the starting point for my ETSY shop. My guides for veterinary medicine are what I wish I had in vet school and as a new practicing small animal vet.

Our veterinary educational guides have been well loved by not only vet students and early career vets, but also by many veterinary technicians. They have been sold in 82 different countries. 

And I’m super passionate about what I do because I've found an expression that gives me new joy in my career. 

Hearing all the positive feed-back is keeps me striving to support you in YOUR veterinary path!

Thank you!